Putting My Experience
to Work
No – he’s not Joe Exotic the Tiger King, but Anthony Novack has experience with big cats. He is a professional wildlife biologist that worked with Jaguars in Central and South America as well as Mountain lions, Wolves, Bears, and other wildlife here in Washington. Anthony offers an innovative vision for people-centered ideas, planet-focused values, and system-wide solutions.
One example of Anthony's pragmatic solutions will protect both big cats and people in this state. His proposal to construct wildlife crossings structures on highways is a green infrastructure project that will funnel animals under (or via bridges over) roadways. These crossings will benefit the survival of wildlife, improve driver safety and drive insurance premiums down. A key result would be a highway system built to conform to nature.
Anthony proposes to develop and enact various innovative societal solutions which is now more necessary than ever. As former Peace Corps volunteer with years of experience working to transform conflicts between wildlife and working lands, Anthony knows that our future depends on bringing people with diverse perspectives together to develop common ground and create practical solutions. In a world where even a global pandemic breeds massive vitriol, we desperately need a civil approach to societal challenges
(Pictured is a sedated female jaguar captured in Paraguay that was fitted with a satellite transmitter and released after 2o minutes)